
Products: 16 of 6
  • Equality Superhero Badge

    You’ve Earned This Badge If…

    • The right side of history isn’t a mystery.
    • You’re on the front lines of change.

    If they made superhero capes for cars, yours would definitely wear one. Waving proudly through the streets, providing shade to your already faded rainbow and Human Rights Campaign bumper stickers.

    Because of people like you, things like Happy Camper can exist, and for that we are thankful. Things are changing and it’s your time to shine, kid. So grab your copy of The Advocate and get back to lobbying in Washington, D.C. We’re counting on you!

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, what are you waiting for?!!! Get out there and start making a difference in your community, your city, your state, our Nation’s Capital. The time is NOW!

    If you HAVE earned this badge, wear it loud and proud like we know you will! Should we make a bumper sticker for you, too? Nah, just kidding…? Seriously, though, we’d love to know what you’re up to. Contact us and tell us how you got this badge.

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    • $6.00
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  • Gaydar Badge

    You've Earned This Badge If…

    • You think, often painfully incorrectly, that you know who is a Friend of Dorothy and who is not.

    Coming out is tough…we all know that.  But once you are squarely on the other side, it’s easy to see that the grass really is greener.  It’s also easy to see those who have yet to cross over.   You impress your straight friends when you are spot on, but the beauty is, somehow we get credit every time.

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, start paying attention! Note the co-worker who is always playing pronoun bingo, or the guy at the gym who lingers a bit too long on the machine as you are working out.

    If you HAVE earned this badge, nice work! Contact us and tell us about the most unexpected one that you ever pegged.

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    • $6.00
    Only 3 left in stock
  • Gaycation Nation

    You’ve Earned This Badge If…

    • You’ve redefined “family” vacation.
    • You follow the rainbow.

    Whether it was Fire Island, a gay cruise, or any other grand gathering of gays – you were there! Voting with those rainbow dollars! It’s nice when you can be on a ‘family’ vacation and know that you can truly relax, kick back and be your fabulous self!

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, don’t sweat it – there’s still plenty of time. Just find your first gaycation destination and book it!

    If you HAVE earned this badge, contact us and tell us all about the time you sailed the seven seas to the island of Lesbos or Fire Island. We wanna know!

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    • $6.00
    Only 5 left in stock
  • Drag Queen Diva

    You’ve Earned This Badge If…

    • You feel pretty and witty…
    • You tuck that junk.
    • You have danced a mile in these shoes.

    Guuurl, you are rocking those stilettos, your makeup is just marvelous and your moves are gonna get this crowd roaring! Even if you haven’t competed on RuPaul’s Drag Race we still feel like you deserve a badge for dancing a mile in those shoes and tucking that junk. You have been crowned ‘Diva’ by the Happy Camper crew for being so pretty and witty!

    Beyond the shows and the lights…we want to honor all the other Divas in our life, Drag or not! You know who you are…and, You’ve Earned It!

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, don’t sweat it – whip up some drama, strap on some Manolos or dance a little ditty and you’ve got it!

    If you HAVE earned this badge (yay!), then contact us and tell us all about the fabulous you (we know it’s your favorite subject!)! We wanna know!

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    • $6.00
    Only 4 left in stock
  • Gold Star Badge

    You’ve Earned This Badge If…

    • You got it right, right away.
    • You never slept with the OPPOSITE sex, because to you that would be the opposite of sex.

    Gold stars you know who you are! You traveled through the magnificent sexual cosmos and managed to only orbit planets of the same sex. You may have had a run in with the opposite sex in junior high possibly in a closet playing ‘seven minutes in heaven’ but you knew within the first 30 seconds who you really wanted to be in or ‘out’ of that closet with. You never fell victim to peer pressure because you knew from the get go that you were a rising STAR!

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, don’t sweat it! Sometimes it take a while to figure out who we are. Award your friends who nailed this one.

    If you HAVE earned this badge, contact us and tell us when you first knew…

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    • $6.00
    Only 1 left in stock
  • Lumberjack Princess Badge

    You’ve Earned This Badge If…

    • You’re a steel-plated marshmallow.
    • You are the true “dyke-chotomy.”

    We know why you spent a fair amount of time in the closet… because it’s chock full of flannel! Hey, we get it. Flannel is warm and fuzzy and comes in a variety of colors. Plus, you can get long or short sleeves, pajamas, and even bed sheets. Score!

    The only lipstick you’ve ever worn has come from someone else’s mouth, and that’s ok with us. Deep down inside, we know you’re just a steel-plated marshmallow and you love The Notebook as much as we do.

    If you haven’t earned this badge yet, you probably never will. You’re either a Spaghetti Lesbian or you wear Sensible Shoes and you’ll never be able to pull this off. Go get your own badge.

    If you HAVE earned this badge, we feel compelled to warn you that Doc Martens went out of style about 20 years ago, but Peppermint Patty doesn’t care and neither do we. Pull up those bootstraps, roll up your sleeves and contact us to tell us why you deserve such an esteemed title!

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